It Bears Repeating... |
You wouldn't drive without checking your vehicle first.
You wouldn't plan an international trip without checking your passport first.
You wouldn't bake a cake without checking the oven first.
You wouldn't go to work without checking your clothes (stain on shirt or hole in pants).
Yet, you may be posting daily/weekly without checking your FB Business page.
I covered this topic February 14, but some may have been too caught up in Valentine's Day to open and read.
So it bears repeating. Listen up!
Your Page HAS Changed... |
When Facebook (META) changed from Classic Pages to the New Business Pages Experience, they changed the look, feel, and information on your page.
If you haven't checked your page, I can almost GUARANTEE that changes are needed.
Let's get started.
On your business page, click the 3-dot elipsis below the EDIT on the right-side of your page. Click VIEW AS.
Tah-dah! Now you are looking at your page, and seeing what your customers see. You may want to update your images and information, because, without realizing it, you may be sending the wrong message to potential clients. If your information or images are out of date, you may be sending potential customers AWAY.
Here are some of the most frequently forgotten update areas...
Banner Image |
Have you changed your banner image lately? We recommend that you change your banner image every 30-60 days. No, it's not required. No, it does not impact your algorithm. But it doesn't hurt to freshen up a little. How often do you change displays in your shop??
If your banner image is promoting an event that is long past, you are sending a STRONG message to visitors who land on your page for the first time.
Here are a few examples of banners that want to be updated (quilt shop names removed)
Banner Image missing.
Banner Image Stock, needs to be replaced.
Banner Image out of date (2019).
Additionally, I found many seasonal banner images, Christmas, Halloween, 4th of July. Seasons change, and your banner image should change too.
I found many blurred and out-of-focus banner images, or images with heads & words cut off. Remember to resize your images to fit. Facebook banner images are 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on desktop. However, mobile users will see 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels.
The banner image is the first thing that your potential customers see -- make sure you are making a good impression. |
Check Your Int_______________ |
No, that wasn't a typo. It's time to check your Introduction. On Classic Pages, you had unlimited opportunities to add information to your About section. Not so, with New Pages Experience.
Now you have 101 characters to tell the world what you do... And if you haven't edited this section after you switched over to the New Pages Experience, then Facebook truncated your information for you. |
If this intro looks a little familiar to you, don't feel bad. As I reviewed pages for this blog, 9 out of 10 quilt industry pages have truncated introductory information -- including some of the biggest names in the industry.....
So, choose your words wisely, and rewrite that description!
What's Your Category??? |
When most of us first launched our Facebook business page, the categories available to choose from may not have fit perfectly. Most of us were forced choose "Arts & Crafts" or "Retail."
Now, Facebook recognizes the breadth of the quilting industry, and we can choose categories that more closely describe our business model, like "Fabric Store," or "Makerspace." |
What does your Page Category say about you??? |
Spotlight On.... |
Whether on a mobile device or desktop, the first image (after the banner, of course) your customer will see are the post image(s) or shop image(s) that you've pinned to the FEATURED section. Uh-oh... Did you forget that you pinned that???? |
Oops -- Set it and forget it doesn't work here -- this shop is featuring events and hours that are months old! (we've seen worse -- found one that is over three years old, but didn't want anyone to be embarrassed)
It's great that Facebook allows us to link our customers to a unique shopping experience! But how unique is the experience when the links do not work, or are expired? |
If your Featured area is a Featured Flub -- you might just flub the chance to convert a new quilting customer!
Don't Get Caught With A Hole In Your Pants... |
Don't get caught with a hole in your pants. Help yourself. Take some time to "View As" your Facebook page. Then schedule time to "View As" each month. I actually calendar my FB page review -- I update my banner image, change my featured posts, and change my call to action or any other aspect that requires updating.
If you need more guidance on reviewing and updating your FB business page to access all of the options available under the New Pages Experience, consider my Facebook Beginners Bootcamp or Facebook Success Formula coaching sessions. I'd be happy to help you turn your Facebook page into a marketing feature for your business.