Why aren't you posting testimonials?
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Tapping In To Testimonials: A Quilt Retailer's Guide

In the bustling quilted community, where creativity intertwines with craftsmanship, testimonials are the golden threads that stitch together trust and credibility. As quilt retailers - whether shop owners, pattern and fabric designers, or online stores - leveraging testimonials on social media isn't just about showcasing satisfied customers; it's about weaving a narrative of authenticity and building a loyal community. 

In today's blog, I'll explain why testimonials are essential and how you can harness their power on social media.

The Testimonial Tapestry: Why It Matters

I know...  It's uncomfortable tooting your own horn.  But if you aren't going to toot for yourself, WHO will do it for you?  Testimonials matter!  A LOT!!!  And this is why...

  • Building Trust: In a world inundated with choices, testimonials serve as beacons of trust. They offer reassurance to potential customers, validating the quality and reliability of your products or services.

  • Humanizing Your Brand: Testimonials add a human touch to your brand story. They provide real-life experiences, fostering a sense of connection and empathy with your audience.

  • Social Proof: Social media is a hub of social validation. By showcasing positive testimonials, you demonstrate to your audience that others have benefited from your offerings, encouraging them to follow suit.

Crafting Compelling Testimonials

So how do you get folks to share testimonials with you?

  1. Encourage Customer Feedback: Actively solicit testimonials from satisfied customers. Whether it's through post-purchase emails, surveys, or direct messages, make it easy for customers to share their experiences.

  2. Diversify Your Testimonials: Showcase a range of testimonials, including written reviews, photos of finished projects, and even video testimonials. Each format adds depth and authenticity to your social media presence.

  3. Highlight Specific Benefits: Ask customers to focus on specific aspects of their experience, such as product quality, customer service, or the impact of your designs on their quilting journey. Tailoring testimonials to highlight key benefits resonates more strongly with potential customers.

Weaving Testimonials Into Your Social Media Strategy

It's one thing to gather testimonial information...  Now you have to put it to work for you!

  • Share Regularly: Make testimonials a regular feature of your social media content calendar. Whether it's #TestimonialTuesday or a weekly roundup of customer stories, consistency is key to maintaining engagement.

  • Visual Storytelling: Pair testimonials with captivating visuals. Incorporate photos of happy customers with their finished quilts or showcase before-and-after transformations to amplify the impact of your testimonials.

  • Engage and Interact: When sharing testimonials, foster engagement by encouraging comments and interactions. Prompt your audience to share their own experiences or ask questions about the featured testimonial.

  • Express Gratitude: Show appreciation to customers who provide testimonials. Publicly thank them for their support and showcase their testimonials as a token of gratitude.


Additional Tips

  • Use eye-catching visuals or graphics to make the post stand out in the feed.
  • Consider using branded elements such as your logo or color scheme to maintain brand consistency.
  • Include relevant hashtags to increase the reach of your post and attract potential customers who may be searching for similar products or services

Sample Testimonial Post Setup

[Image or Video]

🌟 Testimonial Tuesday 🌟

We're thrilled to share this heartwarming testimonial from [Customer's Name], one of our valued customers! Here's what they had to say about their experience with [Your Shop/Product]:

"[Insert Testimonial Here]" - [Customer's Name]

Thank you, [Customer's Name], for sharing your kind words with us! We're so grateful for your support. 💕 

#TestimonialTuesday #HappyCustomer #QuiltLove

The Last Word

In the vibrant tapestry of quilt retailing, testimonials are the vibrant threads that bind your community together. By showcasing the voices of satisfied customers on social media, you not only build trust and credibility but also foster a sense of belonging among your audience. 

So, let your customers' stories be the guiding stars that illuminate your path to success. Embrace the power of testimonials, and watch as your quilted community flourishes and grows.

Let's test if you've got it... leave a testimonial in the comments on our Stitchin' Tree Wholesale Facebook page.  I'd love to know if these blog posts are making an impact!

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Looking to refine and grow your Facebook page?  I offer two coaching groups to assist you in extending your business model through social media.  Facebook Beginners Bootcamp for those who are new to Facebook, and Facebook Success Formula for those who are ready grow their online business with strategic posting strategies and schedules.

New groups form EVERY month.  Don't see a day/time that works for you?  Email me, and I'll work to set up a schedule that best meets your needs.

Facebook Success Formula (6) Sessions

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Let me know if I can help you in any way,

Teresa Coenen

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