Cracking The Code
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Cracking the Code on Engagement Rates

In the ever-expanding quilted universe of social media, engagement rates are the compass guiding your shop's online journey. As a quilt shop owner navigating these digital realms, it's vital to decipher the metrics that truly matter. 

In this blog, I will unravel the mystery behind social media engagement rates, how they're calculated across various platforms, and why video views play a crucial role in shaping your marketing strategy.

What is Social Media Engagement Rate & How To Calculate It

In the quilting world of social media, engagement rate is the heartbeat of your online presence. It measures the level of interaction your content receives, gauging the success and resonance of your posts.

How to Calculate Engagement Rate

The formula varies slightly across platforms, but the core equation is:

Engagement Rate=(Engagements Total/ Followers)×100

Engagements typically include likes, comments, shares, and clicks. Now, let's explore how this formula translates to different social channels.

If you want to know, and track your Monthly Engagement Rate.  Add the the total engagements for the month, divide by the number of followers at the end of the month, and divide by the number of days in the month.

Monthly Engagement Rate=(Monthly Engagements Total/ Followers)/(Days in the Month)×100

Calculating Engagement Rates Across Platforms

  1. Facebook & Instagram:

    • Engagement Rate=(Likes + Comments + Shares)/(Total Followers)×100
  2. Twitter:

    • Engagement Rate=(Likes + Retweets + Replies)/(Total Followers)×100
  3. Pinterest:

    • Engagement Rate=(Pins + Repins + Clicks)/(Total Followers)×100
  4. LinkedIn:

    • Engagement Rate=(Likes + Comments + Shares)/(Total Followers)×100
  5. YouTube:

    • Engagement Rate=(Likes + Comments + Shares)/(Total Subscribers)×100

I like to keep track of my monthly Engagement Rates on all channels.  Each year, when I set new goals, I also set goals related to the Engagement Rate I would like to achieve.  This forces me to evaluate how posts perform and make adjustments to increase Engagement, when needed.

The Rise of Videos

In the quilted tapestry of social media, videos are the vibrant threads that catch the eye. With the surge in popularity on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, video views hold immense weight in the engagement game.

  • On Facebook and Instagram, a video view is counted after 3 seconds or more of watch time.
  • The more views your videos amass, the higher your engagement rate climbs.
  • Videos often lead to higher shares and comments, amplifying your overall engagement.

Crafting Your Social Media Strategy

Now armed with the knowledge of engagement rates and the impact of video views, it's time to weave a strategic quilt for your online presence.

  1. Quality Over Quantity: Aim for meaningful interactions. A few genuine comments are more valuable than a multitude of likes.

  2. Embrace Video Content: Invest in captivating videos that showcase your quilting expertise. Leverage the storytelling power of videos to engage your audience.

  3. Consistency is Key: Regularly post engaging content, keeping your quilting community excited and involved.

  4. Listen and Respond: Engage with your audience. Respond to comments, encourage discussions, and make your social platforms a two-way street.

  5. Adapt and Evolve: Stay attuned to trends and adapt your content strategy accordingly. Whether it's a trending quilting technique or a new social media feature, embrace change.

  6. Identify High-Performing Content:  Monitor posts with the highest engagement rates to understand what resonates with your audience. Is it behind-the-scenes glimpses, product showcases, or quilting tips? Use insights to refine your content strategy.

  7. Optimal Posting Times and Frequency:Analyze when your audience is most active and adjust your posting schedule accordingly. Experiment with posting frequencies, finding the sweet spot between staying visible and avoiding content fatigue.

  8. Engagement-Driven Campaigns:Launch campaigns that encourage interaction, such as giveaways, polls, or challenges. The more engagement, the wider your reach, making your quilt shop a focal point in the social media quilt.

  9. Community Building:Respond promptly to comments and messages, fostering a sense of community. Encourage user-generated content by featuring customer creations and testimonials.

  10. Continuous Adaptation:Social media algorithms evolve. Regularly reassess your strategy based on engagement trends and platform updates.

The Last Word

As a quilt retailer your journey through social media is a creative process. By understanding and harnessing engagement rates, and recognizing the pivotal role of video views, you can craft a digital masterpiece that resonates with your quilting community.

May your threads of engagement weave a vibrant tapestry, drawing in enthusiasts from all corners of the quilted world.

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Did you find this tip helpful? Follow Stitchin' Tree Wholesale on FB to stay up to date on social media trends and helpful hints.  

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Looking to refine and grow your Facebook page?  I offer two coaching groups to assist you in extending your business model through social media.  Facebook Beginners Bootcamp for those who are new to Facebook, and Facebook Success Formula for those who are ready grow their online business with strategic posting strategies and schedules.

New groups form EVERY month.  Don't see a day/time that works for you?  Email me, and I'll work to set up a schedule that best meets your needs.

Facebook Success Formula (6) Sessions

Facebook Beginners Bootcamp

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Teresa Coenen

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